Friday, November 9, 2007

Learn to leave negative nelly behind and see the world as a brighter,more comfortable place to be!

If you create the space and the desire to have love in your heart as your top priority, you'll start to see that you have the capacity to make loving decisions, and to have loving reactions, and to become non-defensive, and to become a better listener . . . .
And pretty soon a little annoyance will come your way or someone will do something wrong . . . and you'll just find yourself forgiving them.
You'll find yourself not wanting to be thrown off-center simply to follow some negative train of thought that's going to bring you somewhere you don't want to go.
You'll find yourself able to stay in that feeling of love -- and when you do, almost everything else magically takes care of itself. . . . Love is the most important answer in life.
- Richard Carlson

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